Competence—> Confidence

Remove the anxiety, stress and uncertainty of running your business

Introducing the PEAC Support System

PEAC Support is a holistic business coaching program employing ‘systems thinking’ (Boulding) to help your business thrive.

A business is the sum of its parts; sales, marketing, customer service, legal, HR and the rest. These parts do not work in isolation, rather your business (and the resulting stress, anxiety and fulfillment surrounding it) are the sum of these parts.

The PEAC Support system addresses the different elements of a business system via; education, accountability and creating effective systems/processes.

1) Education increases your knowledge and skill, helping you feel in control and competent in your decision making. Learn best practice business strategies to deal with everyday business issues with grace and confidence.

2) Creating Effective Systems and Processes allows you to psychologically offload tasks and decision making, scale and grow, and reducing overwhelm and cognitive load. This allows you to focus your time and energy on what matters most- family, friends, fun and growing your business!

3) Accountability. We all need it. I’ll help you focus on the high level tasks that drive your business towards long term growth and success. Due to the recency effect we’re often swept up in day to day problems- it’s nice to feel “busy”, but are you driving your business towards your 1, 2 and 5 year goal?

Hear more about PEAC Support here

Scenario A: A disorganised business, a system of random parts

Result= Increased stress, anxiety and uncertainty.

Scenario B: A structured and balanced business system

Result: Competence, confidence, time, energy and profit

Busy? There’s a solution for every small business problem; Overwhelm, imposter syndrome, fear, time management, compliance, finance, marketing, financial planning, goal-setting, KPI’s, sales, operations, IT, people management, organisational structure, P and L’s, Business Plan, vision, tax minimisation, staffing/ organisational structure, training systems, sales systems, marketing systems, software/ CRM system, 3-5 mentors, a refined lead journey, HR, strategy, customer service, accounting, legal, systems, competition, leadership and AI.

A little something extra: Wellness and PT Advice

Is your health and fitness important to you?

The term wellness has been bastardised! I’m a certified personal trainer with First Class Honors in a Masters of Psychology (Wellbeing Science). Please ask during one of our sessions if you want no fuss solutions to health and fitness problems and to trim the social media fat.

Upcoming events

  • TBA

Wellness fundamentals

  • TBA

Strategic thinking

  • TBA

PEAC Value: Actions speak louder than words

PEAC Troubleshoot (single)
One time

1 x 30 minute call to troubleshoot current business issues. Suggested for turnovers up to £80,000 per month (0.09% of turnover). One-off payment.

✓ 1 x 30 minute call personalised call
✓ Accountability and Business Pillars Checklist
PEAC Support
Every month

1 x 30 minute strategy or accountability call every week included. £150 per month, suggested for turnovers up to £14,000 per month (1% of turnover). 12 month subscription, rolling month to month thereafter.

✓ 1 x 30 minute 1-1 Strategy and Accountability Call each week
✓ Business Pillars and Accountability Checklist
✓ PEAC Sales System (including PEAC Measure)
✓ PEAC Marketing System (including PEAC Measure)
✓ PEAC Management System
PEAC Gold Performance
Every month

We're a team. 100% access to all content and 2 x weekly meetings. £400 per month, suggested for turnovers of over £15,000- £80,000 per month (cost is 0.5% of turnover). After initial 12 months, subscription rolls over month-month.

✓ 100% Blog access
✓ 2 x 1-1 meetings per week for owner or team member
✓ Ad Hoc emailing and advice as required (max two weekly)
✓ Access to all content and PEAC Support Systems